Thank you for your interest in being the newest member of our YOUTHphonics family!
We know the college a cappella audition process can be OVERWHELMING.
Please know that we encourage anyone to audition, regardless of prior experience.
We are here to help you feel prepared and confident so you can showcase your abilities to the fullest.
The audition process will evaluate both your vocal quality as a soloist and ability to balance and blend with a group. Sight reading ability/prior singing experience not required.
Auditions may include:
1. Introduction - Name, year, major, and intended voice part (if you know)
2. Scales - Warm up with some ascending and descending scales. (Use this opportunity to really push yourself and show us the full extent of your range!) You can use the audio recording below to practice.
3. Solo - up to 1 minute and 30 seconds of solo song of your choice (must be a cappella - no instruments/backing track)
Sunday, September 29th 5-9 PM, SAC Conference Room 2
Monday, September 30th 6-10 PM, Rieber Music Room 144
Tuesday, October 1st 6-10 PM, Hedrick Music Room 128
CALLBACKS (invite only):
Thursday, October 3rd 7-9 PM
Note: Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your audition time!
We Can't Wait To Hear Your Lovely Voices !